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Friday, December 6, 2013

ATOD & Advocacy Update - Week Ending December 6, 2013

6.8 Million Adults Had Both Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder in 2011
In 2011, 18.9 million adults in the United States had past year substance use disorder (SUD), and 41.4 million adults had mental illness in the past year; 6.8 million adults experienced both (Figure). Among adults with SUD, 36.1 percent also had a co-occurring mental illness, whereas, among adults without SUD, 16.2 percent had mental illness. Among adults with mental illness in the past year, 16.5 percent had SUD, compared with 6.3 percent of adults who did not have mental illness. Providers working with individuals with either SUD or mental illness may consider screening for co-occurring disorders and linking individuals to integrated treatment programs. For more information on co-occurring mental illness and SUD from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), please go to: data/2k13/NSDUH148/ sr148-mental-illness-estimates.htm. Source: National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 2011 (revised October 2013). NSDUH is an annual survey sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The survey collects data by administering questionnaires to a representative sample of the population through face-to-face interviews at their places of residence. 

Hangovers after 40: Why alcohol packs a more powerful punch as you age
‘All of the effects of alcohol are sort of amplified with age’: Body composition, medication and liver functionality all contribute to longer-lasting hangovers and greater sensitivity to booze, experts say.
Once you hit 40, you may find that drinking like you did in your 20s leaves you feeling worse for wear in the morning. That's because alcohol hits you harder as you get older and everything from muscle mass to over-the-counter meds are to blame for the more painful hangovers. Click here to continue.

Top 17 Abused Prescription Drugs of 2013
The CDC, according to the White House’s website, classifies prescription drug abuse as an epidemic. Many young people who get involved with drugs start with prescription drugs, as they frequently view them as safer than illegal ones because they’re prescribed by doctors. So, which often-abused prescription medicines are the biggest troublemakers? Below is a list of 17 abused prescription drugs as listed by CDC, FDA, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and nongovernment nonprofit sources on public websites. More here.

Drug use among U.S. workers down 74% over 25 years since passage of the Drug-Free Workplace Act
Drug use among American workers declined dramatically over the past 25 years, although the rate of positive test results for certain drugs, including amphetamine and opiates, continues to climb, according to a landmark analysis of workplace drug test results by Quest Diagnostics. The special 25th Anniversary Drug Testing Index (DTI) coincides with the passage of the Drug-Free Workplace Act in 1988, which was a catalyst for greater awareness of the problem of workplace drug use and the implementation of workplace drug education and monitoring programs, including drug testing by federal agencies and private employers in the United States. Please click here to read more.

Editorial - Punch-drunk culture must stop celebrating alcohol abuse
The time will have to come when Australia confronts and acts on the damage done by alcohol, just as it did with tobacco.  For the moment, too many people see the abuse of alcohol as someone else’s problem. Tougher government action on prevention is not seen as a priority, especially if that means higher prices, restricted access and a rethink of the central role booze plays in our cultural life. As evidence builds of the immense damage alcohol abuse is causing, let’s hope Australians will begin to see the need for action.   In the past week alone, the Herald has reported how one in eight deaths of Australians aged under 25 is related to alcohol consumption; two in three young drinkers indulge specifically to get drunk; pre-loading of drinks is feeding a culture of binge drinking. This week we can expect the drunken antics of teens at schoolies. Rest of this item is here.

More School, Less Spirit: Why Young People Are Drinking Less Alcohol
College kids on both sides of the Atlantic are drinking much less than they did 30 years ago. But the true teetotalers here are non-college kids.
British undergrads these days are suspiciously sober, says the Financial Times. And pub owners think they know the culprit. It's tuition. The British government decided two years ago to let universities raise tuition fees from £3,375 to £9000. Confronted by tighter budgets and poorer post-graduation job prospects, students have traded beers for books. "Nine thousand pounds is a sobering enough number for anybody," the chief executive of Britain's biggest nightclub operator told the paper. Continue reading here.

1 in 6 unemployed are substance abusers
About 1 in 6 unemployed workers are addicted to alcohol or drugs -- almost twice the rate for full-time workers, according to the government's National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The survey shows that 17% of unemployed workers had a substance abuse disorder last year, whereas 9% of full-time workers did so. The numbers are self-reported, and therefore, could be even higher in reality. Please click here for the rest of this story.

Study deems US alcohol ad regulations ‘ambiguous’
Academics from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore found that the majority of spirits advertisements in magazines across the US adhered to industry regulations, but added concerns that these rules are often “ambiguous” Katherine Smith, associate professor at the college and lead author of the paper, told Reuters: “In our paper one of our main findings is that the content is largely adherent to federal and industry codes, but it’s still very problematic.” In particular, Smith notes that sexual representation in these advertisements may not be subject to clear guidelines and that “compliance is largely a non-issue” due to the blurred definition of standards. Click here to continue.

5 Jaw-Dropping Facts about Legal Marijuana
The legal use of marijuana for both medical use and adult recreational use is on the rise. Here are five facts that might just surprise you about the drug. Rest of this story continues here.

Why Family Dinners Won't Stop Drug Abuse
Researchers doubt whether meals keep teenagers from substance abuse.
Food-fueled family gatherings at Thanksgiving undoubtedly are a boon for turkey farmers, football broadcasters and airlines. Do they also keep teenagers from using drugs and alcohol? The role of family dinners in preventing substance abuse has become a surprisingly fertile field of research. For a decade, an organization affiliated with Columbia University has reported on the result of asking teenagers about how often they eat dinner with their families, as well as their use of, and attitudes toward, drugs, tobacco and alcohol. The surveys' consistent finding, that the most frequent family diners are the least frequent drug abusers, has been trumpeted in many news articles touting the benefits of family meals. The finding was satisfying to family-values advocates and, in the view of many, consistent with common sense. The idea that family dinners protect teens "conjures up Norman Rockwell images of families seated around the table together," said Daniel P. Miller, assistant professor of human behavior at the Boston University School of Social Work. "It plays into what we think a family ought to look like." Some researchers, however, including Dr. Miller, were skeptical, wondering if other factors, such as a family's income or parents' weekly work hours, accounted for both the frequency of family meals and drug use. Or maybe, these researchers said, the conclusion that such dinners suppress drug use mixes up cause and effect: Teens out misbehaving with their friends might not get home in time for dinner, for example. Please click here to continue.

Report: Only Half of Prescription Drugs Removed From Sewage by Treatment Plants
A report by U.S. and Canadian officials concludes only about half of prescription drugs and other “chemicals of emerging concern” are removed from sewage by treatment plants. The findings come from the International Joint Commission, a group of officials studying the Great Lakes. Better water treatment is needed, the report concludes. “The compounds show up in low levels – parts per billion or parts per trillion – but aquatic life and humans aren’t exposed to just one at a time, but a whole mix,” said study lead author Antonette Arvai. “We need to find which of these chemicals might hurt us.” The researchers analyzed 10 years of data from wastewater treatment plants around the world, to see how effective they are at removing 42 compounds increasingly being detected in the Great Lakes, Scientific American reports. Six of the compounds were detected frequently, and had a low rate of removal in treated sewage. Five of the six were drugs: an anti-seizure medication, two antibiotics, an antibacterial drug and an anti-inflammatory drug. The sixth compound was an herbicide. Diana Aga, a chemistry professor and researcher at the University of Buffalo who studies emerging chemicals in the Great Lakes, told the magazine that even without knowing the impact of the drugs in treated sewage, it is concerning to see antibiotics showing up. “Even at low levels you don’t want to have people ingest antibiotics regularly because it will promote resistance,” she said.

Heavy Drinking Can Dry Up a Marriage If One Spouse Abstains
Heavy drinking by one partner in a marriage increases the risk of divorce, but that's not the case if both spouses are heavy drinkers, a new study finds. Researchers followed nearly 650 couples for the first nine years of their marriage and found that the divorce rate was nearly 50 percent for couples where only one partner drank heavily. Heavy drinking was defined as having six or more drinks at one time or drinking to intoxication. The divorce rate for couples where neither were heavy drinkers and for couples where both were heavy drinkers was 30 percent, according to the study, published in the December issue of Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. You can continue reading this story here.

Chris Christie says no to bill expanding medical marijuana program
The latest bill to expand the medical marijuana program is only days old, but Gov. Chris Christie said he already knows he won't sign it. The bill would allow registered medical marijuana patients in New Jersey to buy the drug in another state where it's legal and bring it home. Six of the 19 states and Washington D.C. that have medical marijuana programs have such reciprocity agreements by which they recognize patients outside of their own state. Christie told reporters he is "not open to it," and believes it's just a back door way to legalize marijuana for everyone. Continue reading here.

Molly ER Visits Rose 128 Percent in Six Years Among Those Under 21
Emergency room visits related to Molly, or Ecstasy, rose 128 percent among people younger than 21 between 2005 and 2011, according to a new government report. The number of visits by young people to U.S. emergency rooms for complications from Molly increased from 4,460 to 10,176, CBS News reports. “I think people are looking for the ultimate and safe high they can achieve,” said Dr. Robert Glatter, an emergency room physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. “There’s a mistaken belief that this is a safe drug with little toxicity.” The drug, also known as MDMA, is usually taken in pill or powder form. It is sometimes mixed with substances such as cocaine, heroin or ketamine, the article notes. Glatter warned the drug can be even more dangerous if it is mixed with alcohol. “There’s a greater potential effect of toxicity,” he added. “Patients want to combine the two substances and have a greater effect that in and of itself is much more dangerous considerably.” According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which released the report, Molly can produce a variety of undesirable health effects such as anxiety and confusion, which can last one week or longer after using the drug. Other serious health risks associated include becoming dangerously overheated, high blood pressure, and kidney and heart failure.
“This should be a wake-up call to everyone, but the problem is much bigger than what the data show,” said Steve Pasierb, president and CEO of The Partnership at “These are only the cases that roll into the emergency rooms. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.”

6 Percent of Teens Report Using Psychiatric Medicine: Report
A new government report finds about 6 percent of U.S. teens say they use a psychiatric medicine as drug therapy, similar to the rate 10 years ago. Boys are more likely than girls to be prescribed stimulants such as Ritalin for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), while girls are more likely to be given antidepressants, Bloomberg reports. ADHD drugs and antidepressants were the most commonly prescribed medicines for teens between 2005 and 2010, according to the report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A survey of teens conducted between 1988 and 1994 found 1 percent of teens were prescribed psychiatric medications. A decade later, 6.8 percent of teens reported using psychiatric drugs to treat a mental health condition, a rate that has held steady since, according to Bruce Jonas, an author of the new study. He noted prescriptions for psychiatric drugs may have risen because of an increased awareness of mental illness among teens, and the availability of new treatments for depression and ADHD. The new survey found about half of teens who reported using psychiatric drugs had seen a mental health professional in the past year. Most of the teens surveyed said they were taking no more than one psychiatric drug. The findings are published in a National Center for Health Statistics Data Brief.

People Who Abuse Prescription Opioids Prefer Oxycodone Over Hydrocodone
A study of opioid-dependent patients entering drug-treatment programs across the country finds oxycodone is the most popular prescription opioid to abuse because of the quality of the high the drug produces. Overall, 75 percent of people who abuse prescription opioids use either oxycodone or hydrocodone, Science Daily reports. The study of 3,520 people who abused opioids found 44.7 percent of patients preferred oxycodone, while 29.4 percent preferred hydrocodone. Ninety percent said they used opioids to alter their mood, while 50 of oxycodone users and 60 percent of those using hydrocodone said they also used the drugs to treat pain. The findings are published in the journal Pain. “The data show that hydrocodone is popular because it is relatively inexpensive, easily accessible through physicians, friends, and families, and is perceived as relatively safe to use, particularly by risk-averse users,” researcher Theodore J. Cicero, PhD, of the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University in St. Louis, said in a news release. “This group includes generally risk-averse women, elderly people, non-injectors, and those who prefer safer modes of acquisition than dealers, such as doctors, friends, or family members. In contrast, we found that oxycodone is much more attractive to risk-tolerant young male users who prefer to inject or snort their drugs to get high and are willing to use riskier forms of diversion despite paying twice as much for oxycodone than hydrocodone.” The researchers noted people who abuse oxycodone are more likely to tamper with the drug in order to inhale or inject it, compared with those who use hydrocodone. While the introduction of an abuse-deterrent formulation of OxyContin in 2010 led to a significant decrease in abuse of the drug, oxycodone products remain more popular than hydrocodone products among people who abuse opioids, they said.

SBIRT: Stopping Addiction Before it Starts
The facts are clear: in our country, there is an imminent need for substance abuse prevention and intervention as early in the teen years as possible. A recent study in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that the 15 percent of U.S. high school students who abuse drugs and alcohol began using at 14 or 15. “When the first exposure occurs in younger versus older adolescents,” explains Professor Didier Jutras-Aswad of the University of Montreal, “the impact…seems to be worse in regard to many outcomes such as mental health, education attainment, delinquency and ability to conform to adult roles.” We know that kids who do not develop an addiction problem by age 21 are unlikely to become addicted later on. Plus, the adolescent brain continues to develop judgment and the ability to resist foolish or dangerous behavior until around age 25, which means that the teen and young adult years are a particularly vulnerable time for the risk-taking that often characterizes them. Please click here to read more.

Medical marijuana reciprocity 'will not happen' in N.J., Christie vows
A measure proposed by New Jersey Assemblywoman Linda Stender calls for allowing residents enrolled in the state's medical marijuana program to purchase medical marijuana out of state. But Gov. Chris Christie said Monday he will not expand the program. "Here's what the advocates want: They want legalization of marijuana in New Jersey. It will not happen on my watch, ever," he said. "I am done expanding the medical marijuana program under any circumstances. Continue reading here.

About 1 Percent of Anesthesiology Residents Have Substance Use Disorder: Study
Slightly less than 1 percent of anesthesiology residents in the United States have a substance use disorder, according to a new study. The incidence of substance use has been increasing, and relapse rates are not improving, the researchers said. The study followed 45,000 anesthesiology residents who began their training between 1975 and 2009, HealthDay reports. They found the overall rate of substance abuse was 0.86 percent. Rates were higher at the beginning of the study, and decreased between 1996 and 2002. They began rising again in 2003. Twenty-eight anesthesiology residents died due to substance abuse during the study period. Among others who abused substances, 43 percent had at least one relapse over the following 30 years, and 11 percent died from a substance use disorder. The most commonly abused substances were intravenous opioids, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine and anesthetics/hypnotics. The findings are published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Designer Drugs Imported Legally in Large Quantities
Large amounts of designer drugs are being imported into the United States legally, CBS News reports. The drugs include synthetic marijuana, known as Spice. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Doug Coleman says China is the main source of these drugs. CBS News found a Chinese manufacturer online that sells chemical compounds. The company offered to ship two pounds of synthetic marijuana for $2,500. While Spice and several other synthetic drugs were outlawed by the federal government last year, chemists have been evading the law by continually coming up with chemical compounds that are slightly different from the ones that have been banned. Coleman says U.S. Customs authorities cannot stop imports of compounds that are still legal. “It’s like whack a mole,” he told CBS News. “They pop their head up, we hit them, they go down and then they pop their head up in another spot. It’s always a cat-and-mouse game. This is just a more advanced type of cat-and-mouse because now we’ve got chemists manufacturing synthetic drugs as opposed to cartel members trafficking heroin, or coke, or methamphetamine.” Another synthetic drug that has been growing in popularity is Molly, or Ecstasy. Emergency room visits related to Molly rose 128 percent among people younger than 21 between 2005 and 2011, according to a new government report.

The World’s Deadliest Drug: Inside a Krokodil Cookhouse
About a decade ago, Russian doctors began to notice strange wounds on the bodies of some drug addicts—patches of flesh turning dark and scaly, like a crocodile’s—in the hospitals of Siberia and the Russian Far East. It didn’t take them long to discover the cause: the patients had begun injecting a new drug they called, predictably, “krokodil.” (Some accounts suggest the name was derived from one of the drug’s precursor chemicals, alpha-chlorocodide.) Videos showing the effects of the “flesh-eating” drug—christened desomorphine when it was invented for medical use in 1932—quickly went viral online. There are now alarming stories that the monster could be at large in the U.S. Rest of this photo essay is here.

The Washington Post Editorial: NIH research is ailing from the budget squeeze
Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been distributing a chart that shows the success rate of grant applications to NIH for scientific research. While the rate was about 30 percent as recently as a decade ago, it has plunged to about 15 percent, which Dr. Collins says is the lowest in history. One reason for this is that more applicants are seeking funds, but the budget squeeze also is to blame. Dr. Collins is worried that the low success rate will cause young scientists and researchers to abandon the laboratory for other careers or to take their talents and ideas to other countries. NIH is the source of about 90 percent of basic research funding in biomedicine in the United States, and the field today is exciting and dynamic: Advances in genomics and imaging technologies are throwing open new worlds of exploration and promising vastly greater understanding of how diseases occur and can be treated. This is a time of promise, Dr. Collins told us, in research to fight cancer, HIV/AIDS, influenza and Alzheimer’s disease, among others. The United States should be at the forefront of this era and must pay for the research to do it. From fiscal 1998 to 2003, NIH saw its program-level funding double, then plateau — which, given inflation, really means a steady erosion. More painful budget cuts could be in the offing in January. The argument that biomedical research pays a generous return on investment is well-grounded, not only in dollars but also in lives saved and illnesses conquered. There’s been a serious investment in training a new generation of scientists; it would be a pity to reverse direction on them now. Dr. Collins’s appeal is one among many voiced lately by special interests. Non-defense discretionary spending is being crammed into ever smaller space because of the continuing impasse over the big issues of entitlements, taxes and defense. This affliction in our politics cannot be cured by science or medicine. It will require willpower and difficult choices by the president and Congress. But when the scientist in charge of the nation’s research enterprise frets about “deep long-term damage” to biomedical research, we ought to pay particular attention. The research NIH funds is precisely what we should demand from government. It is critical to our future as a healthy society and world leader in science, and it’s not something the private sector will do in government’s stead. Do political leaders really want to explain to future generations why they let the United States walk away from a great age of biomedical discovery? 

Use of E-Cigarettes Among Teens Linked to Heavier Use of Regular Cigarettes
A new study finds the use of e-cigarettes among teens is associated with heavier use of regular cigarettes. The researchers say their findings suggest that the devices are creating a new pathway for youth to become addicted to nicotine. Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, studied 75,000 South Korean teenagers. They found four out of five teens who use e-cigarettes also smoke tobacco cigarettes, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Young e-cigarette smokers were more likely to have tried to quit smoking, which the researchers say suggests that some teens may be using e-cigarettes to try to quit smoking regular cigarettes. “Use of e-cigarettes is associated with heavier use of conventional cigarettes, which raises the likelihood that actual use of e-cigarettes may increase harm by creating a new pathway for youth to become addicted to nicotine and by reducing the odds that an adolescent will stop smoking conventional cigarettes,” the researchers wrote in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

Five Things You Don't Know About Alcohol
On Dec. 5, 1933, the United States ratified the 21st amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ending more than a decade of Prohibition. Federal law still bans the distilling of spirits in the home with numerous licensing requirements. Click here to continue.

Coming soon: A preview of a new, legal marijuana landscape in the U.S.
Mark Kleiman is a UCLA public professor and a go-to guy when it comes to drug policy analysis; it’s a field he’s studied for years, including the consequences and mechanics of the pendulum swings of criminalizing and legalizing marijuana. Lately, the goalposts — at least from the point of view of the legal marijuana lobby — have moved, and Kleiman consulted with Washington state’s liquor control board about the rules of the road for the state’s Jan. 1 legal marijuana market. He’s been assessing law enforcement and marijuana in the evolving legal marijuana world. He’d told Washington state that legalizing didn’t mean not policing in the new marijuana market; it may in fact require more at the outset, to make certain the new rules are followed and an illicit market doesn’t persist. Read on here.

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